World vice-champion in Karate at only 8 years old

In the chaos we go through every day, from time to time something happens to get our attention. This is what happened a few months ago, when we found out about an 8-year-old boy, world vice-champion in karate.

The athlete, registered at the Aiko-karate Campina sports club from the age of 5, participated in numerous competitions at national level, but also in interclub competitions, each time managing to arrive the podium.

At the age of 7, he participated for the first time in an international championship, where, fighting with emotions, he managed to get the bronze medal in the Sambon Kumite test, 4th place in the individual Kata test and 4th place on Kata teams. A few months later, he participated in the SKDUN Shotokan Karate World Championship organized in Eger, Hungary, from where he returned with the title of world vice-champion in individual kata, in his age category.

In such situations, performance can be difficult for parents to sustain, especially due to high transportation costs and more. MaxBet could not remain indifferent to the great achievements of the little one and decided to get involved. Thus, after two more 1st places, won at the beginning of the year at national competitions, supported by us and his parents, our athlete came home from Poland with the title of European vice-champion in individual Kata and 4th place in mixed team Kata.

In October, following the 26th edition of the SKDUN World Shotokan Karate Championship and the 11th edition of the SKDUN World Kohai Cup, held in the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, the boy won 1st place again.

We feel a boundless appreciation when we see the young generation fighting and performing daily. And the fact that we can represent even a tiny part of the support they can rely on, brings us supreme fulfillment.

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